We have made an online platform for Patients. It is completely free of cost for everyone up to 2025 April .
In this platform, a patient have to filled up a Google form with his / her minute details [ details about His/Her Disease symptoms , reports , and with pictures & videos of patient ( picture of patient to identify him / her , pics of Diseased parts , and patient can upload up to 8 or 9 video files of 10 mb each of various symptoms of patients , as if it may feel like a live patient case taking ) there will be a section named as Risk factors , where you have to manually write the impressions of X RAY , USG , MRI , MRCP , OR PET CT REPORTS and also have to mention the abnormal or high levels of your pathological reports ( suppose your LDL , CHOLESTEROL , SGPT , SGOT IS HIGHER THAN NORMAL LEVEL , so you have to mention it manually in the RISK FACTOR segment)] . And once You Submit the Google form, an e mail will be sent about your details; to our e mail address. Once we get the email , within 3 hours ( minimum ) to 36 or 63 hours( maximum ) a pdf prescription will be sent to you by DR SAUGATA BHATTACHARYYA , according to your Disease symptoms . And you can buy the medicines from out side Homeopathic medical store or Online medical store or from Our Homeopathic Pharmacy Store , according to that prescription. Now You need not to come to us, for treatment. So kindly go through the Google form check it and fill it up , submit it and experience it . Few CGMS , DMDS and other higher officials of SBI and few IAS, IPS and other higher officials & Allopathy Doctors have used, experienced and highly appreciated the system. And its absolutely free of cost .So kindly use and experience it .